
Graphic History Collective

may_day_graphic_history_canadaThe members of the Graphic History Collective came together specifically to produce a historical account of May Day in Canada in the form of a comic book. For that purpose they received funding from the “Working Histories” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s Research Knowledge Cluster initiated by Joan Sangster at Trent university, Peterborough, Ontario.

Through historical research they found many different May Day stories in newspapers, books, and journals, and drafted plans for combining text with images with the aim of making this history educational and inspirational for a cross-section of audiences.

Over time new people joined the project, adding their own skills and talents, while sharing a love of history alongside a dedication to issues of social and economic justice. The Graphic History Collective continues to develop graphic history projects to present historical information about issues that remain important and relevant today. [Website description.]