Convince me that one man may rightfully make another man his slave, and I will no longer subscribe to the Declaration of Independence. Convince me that liberty is not the inalienable birthright of every human being, of whatever complexion or clime, and I will give that instrument to the consuming fire. I do not know how to espouse freedom and slavery together. — William Lloyd Garrison in “No Compromise with the Evil of Slavery” speech
In 1832, Garrison, with others, helped organize a meeting of abolitionists. Garrison, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, co-founded and was an editor for The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper that was created in 1831.
On Jan. 6, 1832 the New England Anti-Slavery Society was founded at the African Meeting House in Boston.

Remember Your Weekly Pledge, collection box for Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. Circa 1850. Courtesy of Randolph Linsly Simpson African-American Collection, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Below are lessons and other classroom resources on the Abolition Movement.
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