Books: Non-Fiction

Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book

Book — Non-fiction. By Julian Bond and illustrated by T. G. Lewis. 1967. 19 pages.
This “graphic novel” from the 1960s was written to provide a critical analysis of the Vietnam War in an easy to read format.

Time Periods: 20th Century, 1945, 1961
Themes: African American, Racism & Racial Identity, US Foreign Policy, Wars & Related Anti-War Movements

Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book was written in 1967 to provide the history and a critical analysis of the Vietnam War in an easy to read format.

Julian Bond wrote the comic book while fighting for the right to hold his elected position in the Georgia House of Representatives.

Julian Bond had been elected to the Georgia House of Representative in 1965 with 82% of the vote. But the Georgia state legislature refused to swear him in because of his statements (on behalf of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) in opposition to the Vietnam War.

Julian Bond holding Vietnam Comic Book | Zinn Education Project

Julian Bond. Photo by Ron Carver.

Julian Bond, a founder of the Atlanta sit-in movement and of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), makes the connection in the comic book between the struggles of the Vietnamese and the struggles of African Americans for self-determination and human rights.

This is an invaluable primary document for the classroom.

The book is available for free online. It can also be downloaded in full in a PDF at Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching.

See sample pages below.

© Julian Bond. Made available online by The Sixties Project.

Vietnam Comic Book | Zinn Education Project

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One comment on “Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book

  1. Carolyn Eberly on

    I lived in this era. We need to get more information out about it. There are too many young people who actually have no idea about Vietnam or the Civil Rights Movement.

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